The Brainwave States.

Alpha is about relaxation, imagination, visualization. This slow cycle of brain wave is 7-12 HZ (beats per second) is also associated with peace, safety and is a great state of mind for relieving stress. It is considered a gateway to deeper realms of consciousness and the Schuman Resonance which is the resonant frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field. This state is essential to well-being.

Beta is mostly associated with concentration, cognition, alertness, and focus. This state of mind allows you to make connections quickly and come up with solutions and ideas. It is great for creative projects and also a great state of mind for sports or physical activity that requires focused attention. The Beta wave rate is between 13-40 HZ.

Theta is the state associated with meditation, intuition, memory and was first noticed when EEG was applied to meditating monks. This mystical realm is elusive and mysterious since brain activity slows almost to the point of sleep, but not quite. This state brings heightened receptivity, visions, flashes of dreamlike imagery, inspiration, and your buried memories. You may feel like you are floating or that your spirit is reaching beyond the container of your body. It is 4-7 HZ. and 4.5 beats per second appears to be the most optimal for inducing this “shamanic” state of consciousness. This meditative state increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition and other extrasensory perception skills.

Delta clocks in at about 0-4 HZ, and is pretty much where we go when we are in a deep sleep. This state is crucial for restoration of the body and healing. Delta has a lot to do with the subconscious, the place where intuition arises.

Gamma is hyperspeed, above 40 HZ, and it is the most recently discovered frequency. Little is known about this state of mind, but initial research shows gamma waves are associated with high-level information processing and bursts of insight. Perhaps we are evolving to adapt with our fast paced, technology-driven world?

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