➝ Sleeping on the right side.

According to oriental medicine, whether it is Indian, Chinese, Tibetan or Thai, the left side of the body is totally different from the right side. Even some Buddhist monastic traditions include in their precepts for monks sleeping on their left side. Although it may seem strange to rest and sleep on your left side, there are many health benefits.

Lymph flowing to the left. The left side of the body is the dominant side of the lymph system. Most of the lymph is flushed down the thoracic canal, located on the left side. On its path, the lymph transports proteins, glucose metabolites, and waste that are purified by the lymph nodes to be drained to the left side. Derived from the above, it is common to infer in Oriental medicine that diseases on the left side of the body can be caused by chronic congestion of the lymphatic system.

The priorities of the body. According to Ayurveda, congestion occurs in the body according to certain priorities. If the lymphatic system is coagulated, the liver and blood are saturated with toxins. The main symptoms of congestion appear on the left side of the body before moving to the right side where they appear later on. Lazy after a meal? Indian suggestion is that if you take a break after eating, you do it by lying down on your left side. Nap time should not exceed 10 minutes and is different from an afternoon nap which usually lasts 20 minutes or more.

Stomach and pancreas hanging on left side When you lie down on the left side, they both hang naturally, allowing for optimal and effective digestion. Food is brought to move naturally in the stomach and pancreatic enzymes are secreted progressively and not all at once, which happens if you lie on the right side. When you lie on the left side, liver and gallbladder hang on the right side. Resting on their left side allows them to suspend and secret their precious enzymes in the digestive tract, emulsifying fats and neutralizing gastric acids.

When the digestive system is stimulated like this, your digestive cycle is shorter and doesn’t leave you drowsy for the rest of the afternoon. Do the 10 minute rest test on your left side after eating. Feel energetic and not tired after eating. Try to eat relaxed at noon and remember to rest on your left side and check that you will feel more energetic and with better digestion. The magic of sleeping on the left side. Best pick up ever. The small intestine evacuates toxins through the ileo-caecal valve (VIC) on the right side of the body at the beginning of the large intestine. The large intestine goes down the right side of your body, through your stomach and onto your left side. Thanks to VIC, sleeping on your left side allows gravity to more easily stimulate body waste in the large intestine from the small intestine.

As the night passes and you continue to sleep on your left side, the trash will move easier down the downward column and morning disposal will be easier. Best heart function . More than 80% of the heart is located on the left side of the body. If you sleep on the left side, the lymph drained to the heart will be driven by gravity, training your heart to work while you sleep. The aorta, which is the body’s largest artery, leaves the upper part of the heart and shifts toward the left before going down into the abdomen. By sleeping on the left side, the heart pumps blood more easily to the descending aorta.

Sleeping on the left side allows the intestines to move away from the cavity vein that transports blood to the heart. In particular, the vein rests on the right side of the spine, so when you lie down on the left side, the visins move away from the vein. Once again gravity makes the heart work easier. The rat is on the left side. The spleen is part of the lymphatic system and is also found on the left side of the body. Its function is that of a large lymph node that filters the lymph and also filters the blood. When you lie on the left side, the fluid return to the spinal is easier and occurs more easily by gravity.

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