Language is the medium or vehicle through which God is understood by the Gods, spirit by spirit, soul by soul, and reason by reason.This same language was that which served God in order to make himself understood by men and to make himself manifest to them, and by which intellectual beings comprehend other intellectual beings.

Language is the connecting vehicle between human beings and the Entities of superior worlds.The art of teaching and instructing man was necessary in order for man himself, since the first moment of existence.

The most ancient tradition tells us that primitive man was in constant relation with celestial beings known as ELOHIM, but – in what way were human beings related with the ELOHIM – it is best to keep a secret, as their successors still exist and have existed up to the present time, and this has never been lost by the Rose-Cross, as these were communicated and continue to be communicated from person to person, from ear to ear, through language.

The Elohim were spirits of light which, in the name of God, communicated the divine modalities and their Powers.That is to say, the divine-intellectual sources of the Deity or the communication with the intellectual beings, operates through the ELOHIM who give light to the human spirit and intellect.

It is God Elohim or Divinity that communicates with humans.Since Humanity, in general, abandoned the way of light and moved away from Divinity, grabbing matter and its reflections instead of attending to the foundational cause and forms of light, it ceased to perceive, because of materialism, the influence of the celestial Beings and each expression was then guided towards reason by a twisted ray, knowing the things only through a partial refraction rather than the direct radiation of the Divinity.

Thus the primitive language was darkened and from this darkening all the known dialects sprouted.The primitive dialects were more perfect than the later ones, and, as a consequence, were closest to the primitive Language.

Among the most ancient dialects, we encounter those of the Germans and in their Runes they have been tacit and hidden their secrets.The same may be said of Asia, where there are dialects which reflect a sun of purity, with a single root, and a whole lot of significance.

One of these curious dialects, that has a lot of the Atlantean languages in it, is that of the Basques in Spain, a proto-Chaldean people who, according to some investigators, possess an intimate similarity with the Israelites of Palestine, as demonstrated by their origins in Asia Minor.The root ASK, fundamental among the Basque people, is more common in America and is encountered in many words such as ALASKA, ASKTECS, etc.
A root which is also found in ancient German is ASKENIS, one of the first descendants of Japheth and the trunk of the Germanic tribes…

There are also dialects whose words rest upon roots of three letters, the remainder being progressions of these same roots.The line of its loveliness or of its manifestation as, beauty, is its writing itself and while very ancient and simple in its characters, it is in both ways much closer to the primordial language.

The letters of this primitive language are nothing but signs of reason. Its points, and simple lines, are also the signs of its principles and ideas. All together, they are nothing else but reason itself, symbolized.The Mysteries and the Initiation of the Rose-Cross Fraternity have conserved the primitive dialect, as it is said, Noah conserved the world inside of the Ark (a claim which is purely symbolic) and Abraham was a sage of this same language.

They are called the face of Divinity, or TEUT.The divine Light projected its luminous rays upon the primitive men and they, knowing how to imprison it, used a type of simple light in order to call upon their God.

Man descended from the astral region (the fall into sin), and he lost this divine light. His reason and his willpower became completely debilitated.He began his wandering journey, which was not possible earlier, and his ability to see the mission of his destiny was darkened forever.

His duty was and still is, to search for this substantial, and generative light that is enclosed within the divine intellect.Man, fallen into the slavery of matter, has significantly lost the elements of comprehension which the primordial language had provided him, because his understanding only sees forms, manifestations, and symbols.

He had to orient himself, and so he used a means that was both human and divine at the same time, Language.It is in this way, that, just like the Goddess’ thread of gold that orients him in the middle of the labyrinth, man can return to his original divine state.

Only through the LOGOS can man again unite himself with his God.
Therefore, Christ is called the Logos that was made flesh for us, and that lived and will live in us because, just as the physical word is the key CARRIER of our physical force, so too is CHRIST the accumulator of the divine properties and qualities of GOD.

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