CONTROLLED MEANING: A safe and convenient depository for your money which relieves you of the threat of possible loss or theft. An advanced feature of modern society which makes it possible to trade interstate, or internationally, without gold or cash.

Anyone who does not have a bank account, and a bank credit card, is considered a second-class citizen – disenfranchised and without the business privileges of modern society.

“Everyone needs a bank account!”

CORRECT MEANING: A bank account is a tool used by the Beast System to make it possible to keep extensive records on all their subjects (citizens). Your Bank Account Number, and your Social Security Number (required in order to open a Bank Account) are part of what the Bible calls “the mark of the beast.”

In Revelation 13:15-17, the prophecy accurately foretold that the Beast System would force people to obtain a “mark” or a “number.” Failure to obtain a “number” would render a person unable to buy or sell (i.e., conduct business). Most folks, today, are beginning to realize that it is impossible to conduct business publicly without a Bank Account and a number – thus, giving the Beast access to your records and private life. This, of course, was its motive all along. With your privacy compromised, and your life records available to all agencies of banking and government, they have the means to enslave and control you through taxation, investigation, and intimidation via the IRS, the police and the courts.

Actually, bank accounts (and banks, as we know them) are totally unnecessary. Local transactions are more easily conducted with cash. Interstate, or international, transactions can be handled by notes purchased from any reputable house of currency. This, however, would not serve the beast’s purpose of getting a day-to-day record of your total cash flow – which records are then tallied and shared with the IRS via central computers tied in with all member banks throughout the world. If you have a bank account, your daily cash flow and tax liability is known to every bank and credit institution in the world – as well as the government.

Contrary to common brainwash, a bank account is NOT safe! It subjects you to legalized theft, slavery, and loss of privacy,. Bankers have convinced the public that it is not safe to store, carry or take care of your own cash. Thus, most people carry checkbooks instead of cash. However, less than 1% of the people get robbed of their cash in their entire lifetime. And, very few people lose any substantial amount of money by misplacing it. Compare that with the fact that 100% of the people who hand their cash over to a bank lose a percentage of their money every day through fees, interest and taxation. They are not only getting robbed – they generally become thieves themselves by participating in usury accounts.

The beast system could be dealt a severe blow if everyone would deal in cash as much as possible, purchase money orders for long distance transactions, and QUIT KEEPING RECORDS.

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