➝ Responsibility to Learn and Care.

When you are young you require a person of wisdom to educate you. At a certain point we have to educate ourselves on our own to develop our own self-determined, self-governed, sovereign understanding of reality, to develop wisdom and no longer be led by the hand with people spoon feeding us what to accept about reality. It is especially concerning when we realize what hands have been leading us in life. Personal responsibility in the search for knowledge and truth must be developed. Otherwise, you are simply a robot going through a program you have been fed and bought into, completely oblivious and ignorant to the actuality of reality.

That standard social engineering construct of self that is created, produces a consciousness that is limited from the potential it can be. It creates a robot, a zombie, under various degrees of mind control to produce conformity to the collectivist hive mind. This is the docility to authority and the gargantuan system we find ourselves immersed in and let continue, growing, cannibalizing the world. We simply remain content with our ignorance, apathy, cowardice and fear of truth and knowledge that catalyzes us towards change.

The reality of evil needs to be faced. True Care, Care for Truth and Morality, needs to be developed, care for right over wrong, good over evil, truth over falsity, reality over unreality. If we ignore reality, we can live in continued contentment, comfort and convenience that our particular geographical zone of living provides.

Anger is a powerful catalyst for action, and it can be harnessed when we see evil wrong-doings go on around us. Anger is required at first at least, to connect and get in touch with morality and feel the evil in reality. Feel it deep down, in care, compassion, empathy, conscience and morality, and get righteous about this evil that is being created! The beginner must face reality and get angry to get motivated to do something. We need a catalyst for change to move and make things different.

Knowledge is required, Truth. A force is required to change an inert object or an object going along a specific velocity and direction. To change the direction, the force of knowledge is required to empower one with the ability to change direction. Quality knowledge and Truth is required to produce quality, effective, meaningful, proper, accurate, optimal, correct, right-action. Knowledge, care and anger can get one fueled to actually do something about what is going on. If you are not angry at the horrors and evil when you first learn about them, something is wrong inside of you. Wrongs are supposed to be felt in order for us to do something about them and stop them. This is part of being a Natural Law Causal Agent.

People don’t know what is going and don’t care. Some people think they care. People don’t want the responsibility to Care for Truth, the learning that it involves, the work on our selves to change and help others change. This is why people fear truth, and therefore ignore it, are apathetic towards it, are cowardly and run from it, and in the end are lazy and ineffective in producing actual goodness.

Many people offer lip service to Care for Truth. Do you speak like you Care for Truth, or do you act like you Care for Truth? Caring for Truth, to learn and educate out of darkness with knowledge, to live by what is right, good and true. This is a huge part of life that most people ignore. Care for Truth. Embrace Truth. Truth is ONE way, go all the way for the rest of your life. Service to Truth, or compromise of Truth. It is a hard path to walk, and we often stumble and don’t always stand up 100% of the way, but we have to keep developing our integrity and unity with the Natural Laws of the universe, to evolve and better ourselves.

With Knowledge Comes Responsibility; to Understand; and with Understanding Comes Responsibility; to Act; In Accord With That Knowledge.

A large part of who we are as an ego-personality-identity self-construct, is socially engineered through our environment. Conformity to the standardized norms of acceptability imbues a certain pattern of thought and behavior. Our conditioning into a certain pattern and way of living produces a level of consciousness. Are we living responsibility if we continue to live through our unthinking, programmed and conditioned way of life?

With society and the world lacking self-knowledge and greater understanding of various important truths that establish the quality and condition of our lives, we are in a lower level of consciousness which limits the potential higher, truer and realer self we can be.

We are docile to authority and the gargantuan system we are immersed within. We look at the short-term gains we have in our individual lives, and don’t look at the long-term consequences for ourselves and everyone else. The authoritarian system continues to grow and cannibalize the world by our own actions to let it be so. Instead of learning, we remain content and happy in our ignorance, apathy, cowardice and fear of truth that holds the potential to catalyze us towards change.

To be ignited within by our care for truth into learning more, we first need to receive some information through learning. Knowledge is required at any level in order to affect change.

A force is required to change an inert object, or an object already on a specific trajectory or velocity. To change the direction of our way of life, either individually or collectively as a people on this planet, the force of knowledge to empower us is required. Knowledge of what is true and what is false will empower us with the ability to change our direction in life.

If you’re not angry at the horrors and evil when you first learn about them, something is wrong inside of you where your capacity to feel has been deadened because you have a deadened “heart”-center, care, compassion, conscience and morality. If you can’t feel the evil and recognize it, then you’re not going to care to do anything about it. Wrongs need to be felt. Wrongs are supposed to be felt by consciousness in order for us to do something about them and stop them. That’s why we have emotions to motivate and drive us to do things. We have emotional salience, to value and apply an importance and weight to motivate our behavior in life.

➝ Unlearning What You Have Learned and Admitting Wrong. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/31/unlearning-what-you-have-learned-and-admitting-wrong/

➝ Requirements & the Role of Knowledge — Occult Knowledge. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/26/requirements-the-role-of-knowledge-occult-knowledge/

➝ Who is Occulting Information?. 🧩 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2021/10/13/who-is-occulting-information-2/

➝ Teachability — How Teachable Are You?. https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/25/teachability-how-teachable-are-you/

➝ Align Our Compass and Care for Truth: The Great Work. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2022/09/23/align-our-compass-and-care-for-truth-the-great-work/

➝ Truth vs. Perception. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/24/truth-vs-perception/

➝ Stand in Truth. 🧭 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/04/01/stand-in-truth/

➝ HOW REALITY IS BUILT. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/01/how-reality-is-built/

➝ The Choice is Ours! We Have Much To Learn And Face In Ourselves If We Are To Alter Our Current Course. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/04/02/the-choice-is-ours-we-have-much-to-learn-and-face-in-ourselves-if-we-are-to-alter-our-current-course-2/

➝ Worldview and Choices — Align Perceptions with Reality. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/worldview-and-choices-align-perceptions-with-reality/

➝ INSTITUTIONAL BE-LIE-F SYSTEMS. https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/04/04/institutional-be-lie-f-systems/

➝ Occulting Reality – Word Manipulation. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/27/occulting-reality-word-manipulation/

➝ Our Minds Are Powerful, and We Can Delude Ourselves About What We Are Actually Participating In. https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/14/our-minds-are-powerful-and-we-can-delude-ourselves-about-what-we-are-actually-participating-in/

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