➝ Teachability — How Teachable Are You?.

The image shows the Teachability Index or Bell Curve. It goes from Arrogant all the way to Naïve. If you’re at either of these extremes — where you’re either rigidly skeptical and refuse to consider anything outside of your current belief system, or you’re extremely naïve and gullible and will believe whatever you’re told — you’re not going to truly learn anything.

A person’s teachability, or their ability to learn by being taught by another, is extremely dependent upon the open-mindedness or closed-mindedness of the person being taught. Low teachability derives from arrogance and rigid scepticism, but also from naïveté and gullibility. High teachability derives from a balance between healthy scepticism and an openminded willingness to learn, and more importantly, the willingness to change

True learning takes place when the mind has been alleviated of competing thoughts. In other words, clearing out all the chatter such as focusing on trivialities, nitpicking and trying to find loopholes. That isn’t being present in the moment. It’s not truly listening. It’s holding onto an idea or belief in your mind while trying to dismiss any information that conflicts with it.

People should consider with great care their sources for information. Because by refusing to present certain information, and by influencing people to dismiss certain information as unimportant or unnecessary to consider, many modern institutions (like the mainstream media, or so-called “educational” institutions) seek to control human perceptions, and by doing so, limit what human beings may come to understand.

By limiting what a person is able to understand, a person is automatically limited in what they are able to do, what they are able to change, and what they are able to create.

When you tell yourself that you have a genuine desire to know the truth on whatever topic it may be, only to outright reject something that you read or hear that seems impossible,”out there,” makes you uncomfortable, or contradicts something in your mind, then you’ve lied to yourself. You’re letting personal feelings and beliefs interfere, and that only holds you back.

“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” — Epictetus

People’s idea of truth is too often only what they want it to be, what makes them comfortable, or what aligns with an ideology or belief they already have. They have pre-judged notions of information (often referring to socially accepted or established “facts” as a template by which to judge anything alternative to that information) and extrapolate their own meanings from someone else’s words. They hear only what they want to hear. Because of this willful refusal to truly listen, and refusal to even begin the process of genuine discovery, we’ve taken ourselves into a very dark age.

Most of what we “know” about the world is wrong. We’re in a state of negative knowledge. Most of what we’ve accepted as “truth” needs to be un-learned. We need to come back to a zero point – to become a tabula rasa, so to speak – and re-learn how to learn using the correct methodologies of discovery. Then we can become properly in-formed and then re-formed into a truly conscious being. The reason humanity is so immoral today is because we’re so ill-educated. We’re rejecting knowledge in favor of nonsense. The more we become truly knowledgeable, the higher the chance we’re going to come to understand true objective morality and align ourselves with it.

“Ignorance – the root and stem of all evil.” — Plato

Ultimately, the brain is in a state of imbalance. We let one hemisphere of our Neocortex dominate the other instead of thinking holistically and looking at information objectively without pre-judging it. No one can truly learn anything or be taught by anyone when this schism exists.

True learning has been deliberately replaced with belief and memorization. Outcome-based education systems have conditioned us to believe that rotely remembering information makes us “intelligent.” Remembering what you’ve learned is important, but it isn’t a mark of intelligence. True Intelligence is two-fold, and it’s in the word:

Intelli – Gence

It is the Left-Brain Intellect aspect (logic, reason, analysis, etc) and the Right-Brain Generative aspect (creativity, empathy, intuition, etc) working in unity. There are a lot of intellectual people, but that doesn’t mean they’re intelligent.

While Truth is discoverable and knowable, it isn’t always out in the open in an exoteric way. You have to learn how to learn and discover the Truth for yourself.

➝ Ignorance and Nescience: The CONTEXT of Not Knowing. 🧩 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2022/09/15/ignorance-and-nescience-the-context-of-not-knowing-2/

➝ Truth vs. Perception. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/24/truth-vs-perception/

➝ What Is Belief? — A Belief Is Not A De Facto Truth. https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/22/what-is-belief-a-belief-is-not-a-de-facto-truth/

➝ Tools of Precision Thinking — Trivium Method; True Learning. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2023/02/04/tools-of-precision-thinking-trivium-method-true-learning/

➝ The Importance of Understanding Consciousness. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/16/the-importance-of-understanding-consciousness/

➝ The Pineal Gland and Symbolism of a Unified Consciousness. 🧠 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/01/14/the-pineal-gland-and-symbolism-of-a-unified-consciousness/

➝ The Physiological Expression of the Three Aspects of Consciousness 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2022/08/20/the-physiological-expression-of-the-three-aspects-of-consciousness/

➝ Only that Path of Balance can lead us out of our collective state of imbalance, the force that creates Chaos and Suffering 🔑 Traveling the Path of Balance creates Order, Peace, and ultimately, Freedom from suffering. https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2022/08/19/only-that-path-of-balance-can-lead-us-out-of-our-collective-state-of-imbalance-the-force-that-creates-chaos-and-suffering-traveling-the-path-of-balance-creates-order-peace-an/

➝ Axioms of Truth – Philosophy. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/02/14/axioms-of-truth-philosophy/

➝ SEEKING TRUTH. https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/01/10/seeking-truth/

➝ Slave Think Schism of the Mind. 🧠 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2023/12/23/slave-think-schism-of-the-mind/

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