โž “ALL is Mind” ๐Ÿ”‘ The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational ยญ And how to free yourself from them by Mastering your Mindอพ Self Mastery.

“ALL is Mind” โ€‹ The Kybalion ยญ Book of Thoth or Hermesโ€‹. One of the most misunderstood  aspects of ourselves is the Mind. All that we are passes through this omnipresent aspect of ourselves we can call the mind. Therefore, rational processes are actually your ability to direct  the mind into actionอพ bringing forth all that we see in the universe. As such, the greater our  ability to Master the Mental plane the greater our ability to gain Spiritual attainment and the  fruits of a harmonized life and Beingอพ the development of a perfecting soul.



Intrinsic Knowledgeโ€‹ ยญ internal understanding of what a thing is, how it relates to โ€‹All that IS โ€‹  ยญ  is the key to the puzzle of our life on Earth; where we develop the Mastery of Mind and the  Self. Therefore, any process or belief which is โ€‹Extrinsic โ€‹  will always limit us on the Mental  plane and create a โ€‹Dependencyโ€‹ on the External Source. For Example, if your doctor tells you  that ‘salt is bad for you’ and provides no evidence for you to come to your own conclusion  about this assertion, if you believe it (accept it as truth without doing the rational work of  understanding why) then you are now Dependent on the Doctor. This is called  CoยญDependency โ€‹  and this modality is rife on earth as being one of the most disยญempowering  Social Programs for our soul growth we can fall into.

How can this knowledge help you on your path towards Spiritual Attainment, Self  Empowerment, and Blissful Enlightenment? โ€‹  By revealing the mechanism, or technique  through which we relate to our reality (Mentalism and the Rational Process), we can begin the  life long process of expanding ourselves, and in doing so, ‘reach the mountain top’ described  by many spiritual masters the world over.

Lack of Rational Process Creates CoยญDependencies

How does all this relate to CoยญDependency? As we described in the post โ€‹The Theory and  Practice of Black Magic ยญ How can you tell if you are Practicing Black Magic?โ€‹, any choice you  make to limit your growth, and not develop Intrinsic Knowledge must always be balanced by  creating an external dependency. This is CoยญDependency. Hence our world is filled with  Experts and Guru’s who ‘know better’ then we do. 

What is a Bias?

Bias ยญ prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another,  usually in a way considered to be unfair  Bias is a term which usually calls up ideas of bigotry, prejudice and limitation. But within the  context of our relation to the Universe, Bias is the tool we use to develop โ€‹Automatic Programs  of interpretation and meaning; what Psychology has come to call ‘the subยญconscious.’ Pick up  a hot pan on the stove without an oven mitt and you will have the experience of burning your  hand. Now, when you see a pan on the stove you have a โ€‹ Bias โ€‹  towards thinking the pan is hot  which guides your behavior, choices and emotions, to avoid the past experience and pick up  the pan with an oven mitt.   

As we can see, biases defined this way, are actually fundamental to moving through life, but  how are Biases formed? Biases are formed by a Rational and Logical Process which many in  the New Age Community have misunderstood. โ€‹ Theโ€‹  Mindโ€‹ is the filter through which your total  experience passes and your โ€‹Emotionsโ€‹ are the energy charge associated with something in  your experience โ€‹as a result โ€‹  of passing through the mind. If you are Aware or Conscious of a  thing in any capacity it is a Mind Phenomena, charging you with Emotions due to the  framework of understanding you have created with respect to that thing. The โ€‹Intuitionโ€‹ which  emotions yield is part of a process for making a choice, which is decision making and a  Rational Process. Therefore, โ€‹Emotionsโ€‹ are just as much a part of the โ€‹Rational Process โ€‹  and  the Mind, as Logic and Reason; the two are intrinsically interconnected in our everyday  experience and โ€‹cannotโ€‹ be separated.   

As a side noteโ€‹, the phrase “Heart Space” has been used by many in the Awakening  Community to refer to some state of BEing outside of Mind Function. This is one of the  conceptual โ€‹fallacies โ€‹pushed by our wouldยญbe masters to lead us astray. “Heart Space” is more  accurately described as the consciousness of total acceptance with your experience and an  open mindedness to receive new perspectives and data in totality. Love is by definition  inclusive.    Because we have the ability to learn and “automate” how we feel towards our experiences,  Biases can be either empowering or disยญempowering. The key is to not limit yourself with 
Absolute Conclusions โ€‹  about anything in your life experience; an absolute bias. For Absolute  Conclusions or Flags of Truth are part of our Ego Identity, and as such when challenged, cull  up defensive mechanisms which limit our growth. The following post details some of the many  biases we create for ourselves as a result of this skism. And our unwillingness to change our  Biases creates a coยญdependency with our ego, others and the world at large.    I have expanded on the below post to include a perspective that the following 12 Cognative  Biases are part of conceptual web of CoยญDependency with Externalizations to limit our  understanding and ability to know the world as it IS, instead of how we โ€‹want โ€‹  it to be.  

The human brain is โ€‹capable of 1016 processes per secondโ€‹, which makes it far more powerful  than any computer currently in existence. But that doesn’t mean our brains don’t have major  limitations. The lowly calculator can do math thousands of times better than we can, and our  memories are often less than useless โ€” plus, we’re subject to cognitive biases, those  annoying glitches in our thinking that cause us to make questionable decisions and reach  erroneous conclusionsโ€‹. Here are a dozen of the most common and pernicious cognitive  biases that you need to know about. [‘The ‘New Age’ philosophy of abandoning the Mind comes as a reaction to a lack of mastery  of the Rational Processes (mind atrophy) which are inherent in the human experience. Errors  as a result of poor reasoning does not mean that all reasoning must be discarded. “Elephants  are grey, but not all grey things are Elephants.”]  

Before we start, it’s important to distinguish between cognitive biases and logical fallacies. A  logical fallacyโ€‹ is an error in logical argumentation (e.g. ad hominem attacks, slippery slopes,  circular arguments, appeal to force, etc.). A โ€‹cognitive biasโ€‹, on the other hand, is a genuine  deficiency or limitation in our thinking โ€” a flaw in judgment that arises from errors of memory, 
social attribution, and miscalculations (such as statistical errors or a false sense of  probability).    Some social psychologists believe our cognitive biases help us process information more  efficiently, especially in dangerous situations. Still, they lead us to make grave mistakes. We  may be prone to such errors in judgment, but at least we can be aware of them. Here are  some important ones to keep in mind.  

1. Confirmation Bias

We love to agree with people who agree with us. It’s why we only visit websites that express  our political opinions, and why we mostly hang around people who hold similar views and  tastes. We tend to be put off by individuals, groups, and news sources that make us feel  uncomfortable or insecure about our views โ€” what the behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner  called โ€‹cognitive dissonanceโ€‹. It’s this preferential mode of behavior that leads to the  confirmation bias โ€” the often โ€‹unconsciousโ€‹ act of referencing only those perspectives that  fuel our preยญexisting views, while at the same time ignoring or dismissing opinions โ€” no  matter how valid โ€” that threaten our world view. And paradoxically, the internet has only  made this tendency even worse.  

[This is a form of selective data processing or ‘cherry picking’ where we only absorb data  which confirms our accepted meaning in relation to a thing. Coยญdependency with โ€‹our world  viewโ€‹, where we need to find things to confirm how we โ€‹want the world to be โ€‹ , instead of โ€‹how it  IS โ€‹ . The key to freeing yourself from Confirming a Bias is to look Consciously at the bias and  ask yourself if it is true within all possible contexts for which it applies. For example, if you  have a Bias that ‘cancer has no cure’ expose yourself to ALL the data which relates to this  topic along with the counter argument and come to an Internal or Intrinsic Conclusion. Finally,  keep an open mind with respect to the conclusions you draw as to leave the door open for a  deeper understanding.] 

2. Ingroup Bias

Somewhat similar to the confirmation bias is the ingroup bias, a manifestation of our innate  tribalistic tendencies. And strangely, much of this effect may have to do with oxytocin โ€” the  soยญcalled “love molecule.” This neurotransmitter, โ€‹while helping us to forge tighter bonds with  people in our ingroup, performs the exact opposite function for those on the outsideโ€‹ โ€” it  makes us โ€‹suspicious, fearful, and even disdainful of othersโ€‹. Ultimately, the ingroup bias  causes us to overestimate the abilities and value of our immediate group at the expense of  people we don’t really know.  

[This is a more explicit form of CoยญDependency where we choose to ‘go alone with the crowd’  in stead take the risk of disagreeing with a group; an emotional dependency on others.  Because most of us do not have Intrinsic understanding of things in our world, we tend to go  along โ€‹Experts โ€‹  because we have not done the work of gaining personal understanding; a  temporal compensation for lack of Mind Mastery. Once we do take the time to understand  something, it becomes very easy to make a stand for what we know in the face of the  accepted Group Dogma.

For example, most people do not know there are cures for cancer already in use on Earth, but  if you have gone through an alternative treatment like the โ€‹Gerson Theraphyโ€‹, this fact is  undeniable. In this case, you can simply share your experience with a group becoming an  Expert โ€‹  in your own right. But if you choose to go along with the group, โ€‹inยญspite โ€‹  of your intrinsic  knowledge and experience, this is reflective of a fear of ostracization from the group. This is  yet another form of CoยญDependency, wherein your sense of ‘being accepted’ is more  important then sharing your truth; you will deceive others by going along. Freeing yourself  from this is a matter of being brave enough to question a long held belief and speak it clearly  to your peers.]  

3. Gambler’s Fallacy

It’s called a fallacy, but it’s more a glitch in our thinking. We tend to put a tremendous amount  of weight on previous events, believing that they’ll somehow influence future outcomes. The  classic example is coinยญtossing. After flipping heads, say, five consecutive times, our  inclination is to predict an increase in likelihood that the next coin toss will be tails โ€” that the  odds must certainly be in the favor of heads. But in reality, the odds are still 50/50. As  statisticians say, the outcomes in different tosses are statistically independent and the  probability of any outcome is still 50%.

Relatedly, there’s also the positive expectation bias โ€” โ€‹which often fuels gambling addictionsโ€‹ .  It’s the sense that our luck has to eventually change and that good fortune is on the way. It  also contribues to the “hot hand” misconception. Similarly, it’s the same feeling we get when  we start a new relationship that leads us to believe it will be better than the last one.  

[This form of CoยญDependency is with the concept of luck, or that the events in our lives are  attributed to an allotment of โ€‹magic energy โ€‹  which eventually ‘runs out.’ This reaction to events  in our lives is again due to a lack of Key Knowledge and Understanding or Intrinsic  knowledge; under developed Mental Mastery. โ€‹Luckโ€‹, as a concept, is by definition, beyond our  creative influence. Possibly the idea of the God’s casting fate over us is where โ€‹Luck โ€‹  comes  from.  

Therefore, accepting the idea that you are โ€‹unlucky โ€‹  because you get into a car accident form  work, prevents you from looking at the events objectively and coming into awareness about  knowledge you can gain to empower yourself in the future. Again the idea of Cancer is a great  example. If you think of yourself as having ‘bad luck’ because you got cancer it blocks you  from developing any rational process, looking at your habits and life, to determine if you could  have prevented it, or more importantly what the factors were that caused the cancer in the  first place.     

Cancer is a product of long term Nutrient Deficiency in conjunction with overwhelming  Toxicity, contrary to accepted medical doctrine. Freeing yourself from this is a matter of  honestly looking at the events in your life and how you contributed to their happening. Very  little in our personal experience is beyond our creative influence.]  

4. PostยญPurchase Rationalization

Remember that time you bought something totally unnecessary, faulty, or overly expense,  and then you rationalized the purchase to such an extent that you convinced yourself it was a  great idea all along? Yeah, that’s postยญpurchase rationalization in action โ€” a kind of builtยญin  mechanism that makes us feel better after we make crappy decisions, especially at the cash  register. Also known as Buyer’s Stockholm Syndrome, it’s a way of subconsciously justifying  our purchases โ€” especially expensive ones. Social psychologists say it stems from the  principle of commitment, our psychological desire to stay consistent and โ€‹avoid a state of  cognitive dissonanceโ€‹ 

[This form of CoยญDependency is with who we think we are in contrast to who we really are;  Worship of the Static Ego. Often we think of ourselves as making sound decisions and when  we are confronted with data revealing otherwise we tend to run from the truth. “To Err is  Human,” and justification of the past is an attempt to hold on to the idea that we are โ€‹infallible โ€‹ .  It is only when we honestly acknowledge our mistakes that we can begin to empower  ourselves with the gems of wisdom hidden in our past. This is the key to freeing yourself from  Justifying your Mistakes, โ€‹  in attempts to avoid the growth that comes with recognizing them.]  

5. Neglecting Probability

Very few of us have a problem getting into a car and going for a drive, but many of us  experience great trepidation about stepping inside an airplane and flying at 35,000 feet.  Flying, quite obviously, is a wholly unnatural and seemingly hazardous activity. Yet virtually all  of us know and acknowledge the fact that the probability of dying in an auto accident is  significantly greater than getting killed in a plane crash โ€” but our brains won’t release us from  this crystal clear logic (โ€‹statistically, we have a 1 in 84 chance of dying in a vehicular accident,  as compared to a 1 in 5,000 chance of dying in an plane crashโ€‹ [other sources indicate odds  as high as โ€‹1 in 20,000โ€‹]). It’s the same phenomenon that makes us worry about getting killed  in an act of terrorism as opposed to something far more probable, like falling down the stairs  or accidental poisoning.  

This is what the social psychologist โ€‹Cass Sunstein calls probability neglectโ€‹  โ€” โ€‹our inability to  properly grasp a proper sense of peril and riskโ€‹ โ€” which often leads us to overstate the risks  of relatively harmless activities, while forcing us to overrate more dangerous ones.  

[This from of CoยญDependency is with the mechanisms we use to avoid the personal fears that  trigger intense emotions. โ€‹Traumaโ€‹, is the condition of experiencing something which is so  intense we unconsciously choose to dissociate from the experience to protect ourselves from  the emotional upheaval. โ€‹Post Traumatic Stress Disorderโ€‹ is the term associated with this  behavior. Many of the things we label ‘bad’ are a result of the Trauma associated with becoming aware of certain experiences and things which are a result of the world views and  perspectives we have been programmed with. As a result, the greater the extent of  dissociation with the experience or idea the greater emotional response and the more likely  our decisions will be clouded by irrational processes attempting to avoid a long forgotten  trauma. Fear, when consciously associated with an event or thing can be useful, just like the  smell of smoke coming from somewhere can draw your awareness to a fire in the other the  kitchen.  But, when we choose to run from the source of our fear, we create a bonanza of  triggers eventually leading us to make all sorts of irrational decisions.  

The key is to face your fear head on and expand your knowledge about the thing you fear so  deeply it becomes part of you, transcending the fear entirely. For example, many people fear  flying and as a result never fly at all, but once you examine your fear and realize it is  unjustified, then you can make the critical first step of facing it, by flying and overcoming it  with more experiences.]  

6. Observational Selection Bias

This is that effect of suddenly noticing things we didn’t notice that much before โ€” but we  wrongly assume that the frequency has increased. A perfect example is what happens after  we buy a new car and we inexplicably start to see the same car virtually everywhere. A similar  effect happens to pregnant women who suddenly notice a lot of other pregnant women  around them. Or it could be a unique number or song. It’s not that these things are appearing  more frequently, it’s that we’ve (for whatever reason) selected the item in our mind, and in  turn, are noticing it more often. Trouble is, most people don’t recognize this as a selectional  bias, and actually believe these items or events are happening with increased frequency โ€”  which can be a very disconcerting feeling. It’s also a cognitive bias that contributes to the 
feeling that the appearance of certain things or events couldn’t possibly be a coincidence  (even though it is).  

[This CoยญDependency is similar to ‘cherry picking’ accept it is done with your own past  experience because we have a new awareness enriching our perspective with things which  we were previously unconscious of. Because we do not like to think of ourselves as โ€‹unaware โ€‹ ,  we conclude that there is more of this thing then there was in the past. For Example, when we  become aware of Chemtrails, we begin to see them more and more, and sometimes we try  and conclude that more are being sprayed.  The key is to recognize that while we are aware of many things Consciously, there is a great  deal we are Unconscious of. “The key to wisdom is knowing what you do not know.” Keep an  open mind about all things for absolute certainty creates an Egocentric Identity which now  must be projected by selective observation.]

7. StatusยญQuo Bias

We humans tend to be apprehensive of change, which often leads us to make choices that  guarantee that things remain the same, or change as little as possible. Needless to say, this  has ramifications in everything from politics to economics. We like to stick to our routines,  political parties, and our favorite meals at restaurants. Part of the perniciousness of this bias  is the unwarranted assumption that another choice will be inferior or make things worse. The  statusยญquo bias can be summed with the saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” โ€” an adage that  fuels our conservative tendencies. And in fact, some commentators say โ€‹this is why the U.S.  hasn’t been able to enact universal health careโ€‹, despite the fact that most individuals support  the idea of reform.

[Our apprehension for change in our lives is a direct result of โ€‹Fearing the Unknownโ€‹. This is  one of the Primal Fears and it is creates a host of CoยญDependent tendencies, where we place  our choice not to move into the unknown onto others for their approval. For example, if we  have a friend who as died from cancer, it becomes much more difficult to realize that cancer  cures have existed because there is a huge level of unknown factors we become aware of in  relation to something we feel we have already understood.  
  The key is realize that you do not have absolute knowledge and become aware of the thing  you are so staunching trying to appose. Questioning an assertion because you want to  understand it is different then attempting to stop an idea from being explored. Therefore, do  not discard new information simply because it counters your world view and explore the  unknown as a child explores the world.]  

8. Negativity Bias

People tend to pay more attention to bad news โ€” and it’s not just because we’re morbid.  Social scientists theorize that it’s on account of our selective attention and that, given the  choice, we perceive negative news as being more important or profound. We also tend to give  more credibility to bad news, perhaps because we’re suspicious (or bored) of proclamations  to the contrary. More evolutionarily, heeding bad news may be more adaptive than ignoring  good news (e.g. “saber tooth tigers suck” vs. “this berry tastes good”).     Today, we run the risk of dwelling on negativity at the expense of genuinely good news.  Steven Pinker, in his book โ€‹The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declinedโ€‹ , 
argues that crime, violence, war, and other injustices are steadily declining, yet most people  would argue that things are getting worse โ€” what is a perfect example of the negativity bias  at work.  

[Before we get into this Bias, let us first address the terms ‘good and bad.’ We use these  words all the time to share value judgements we have. “This tastes bad! Her outfit looks good.  You got a bad grade on your paper.” โ€‹So what is good and what is bad?  โ€‹ These are โ€‹Subjective  perspectives based on an โ€‹Objectiveโ€‹ context within our experience. And while these terms  can convey much meaning, without defining what the context actually is, we limit ourselves in  our understanding and communication with others leading them to simply say they agree  instead of probing for deeper understanding. 

The Negative Bias, or our tendency to have more awareness of ‘bad things’ is an attempt to  gain knowledge about the world so we can navigate it free of the jarring effects of being โ€‹faced  with the unknownโ€‹. As we discussed in the above Bias, the Fear of the Unknown is a  powerful motivator. And in a sense, our desire to know about things which โ€‹ can โ€‹  be viewed as  ‘bad’ is revealing our willingness to venture into the unknown. This is an indication we are  ready to taste the truth. However, if we โ€‹dwell โ€‹ , on ‘bad news’ it reveals we are CoยญDependent  with meanings we deem ‘bad’ usually to โ€‹confirm โ€‹  the belief: ‘the world is a fยญup place.’     The key is to ask yourself why you find ‘bad’ things in your experience desirable, and get to  the root of your obsession. What is your world view? The answer to this question is at the  core of this Bias. The more we expand our knowledge and link the pieces of truth together,  the more we transcend such limiting world views.]  

9. Bandwagon Effect

Though we’re often unconscious of it, we love to go with the flow of the crowd. When the  masses start to pick a winner or a favorite, that’s when our individualized brains start to shut  down and enter into a kind of “groupthink” or hivemind mentality. But it doesn’t have to be a  large crowd or the whims of an entire nation; it can include small groups, like a family or even  a small group of office coยญworkers. The bandwagon effect is what often causes behaviors,  social norms, and memes to propagate among groups of individuals โ€” regardless of the  evidence or motives in support. This is why opinion polls are often maligned, as they can  steer the perspectives of individuals accordingly. Much of this bias has to do with our builtยญin  desire to fit in and conform, as famously demonstrated by the โ€‹Asch Conformity Experimentsโ€‹ .  

[Our desire to ‘fit in’ is fundamental to the human experience. While we are Individuals, we are  also a Human Family and our desire to feel connected to our fellow humans is a powerful  motivator. When we cast the context of our personal truth in contrast to a group dogma, now  we have the tension differential which leads us to subdue our personal experiences for a  Group Bias. A research studyโ€‹ was done to determine how often the average person lies and it was found  that we lie or deceive an average of 3 times every 10 minutes. Within the Context of Group  Bias, this is a result of our CoยญDependency with the โ€‹sense โ€‹  of connectedness we feel towards  others and groups at large. Lying, as a way to avoid sharing a truth which may disrupt another  or cause your sense of connection to falter, is at the core of this Bias.

The key is to realize sharing of yourself, fully and completely will always create โ€‹greater  connections with others in the long term. However, in the short term, your candid expression  of self may push others away who are not accepting of you and the truth’s you embody. This  can cause a sense of โ€‹loneliness โ€‹  which leads us towards going along with the crowd. But  bravery in the face of such things, will not only transcend the addiction to social acceptance,  but begin to transform the social group who is ostracized by your truth. A service to others  modality of expression.]

10. Projection Bias

As individuals trapped inside our own minds 24/7, it’s often difficult for us to project outside  the bounds of our own consciousness and preferences. We tend to assume that most people  think just like us โ€” though there may be no justification for it. This cognitive shortcoming often  leads to a related effect known as the โ€‹false consensus biasโ€‹ where we tend to believe that  people not only think like us, but that they also agree with us. It’s a bias where we  overestimate how typical and normal we are, and assume that a consensus exists on matters  when there may be none. Moreover, it can also create the effect where the members of a  radical or fringe group assume that more people on the outside agree with them than is the  case. Or the โ€‹exaggerated confidence one has when predicting the winner of an election or  sports matchโ€‹

[Similar to Group Bias, but in reverse, our tendency to project our personal beliefs on to  others presumptuously is at the core of a Projection Bias. This is in response to our fear of  being ‘wrong’ which leads us to assume others agree by default. When errors in our  understanding are presented to us we feel compelled to ‘force another to accept our beliefs’  even if they are inaccurate for the reality we are attempting to understand.  
  The key to overcoming this bias is to first realize โ€‹we do โ€‹  have the capacity to make mistakes,  and instead of thinking we are ‘all alone’ in our process, realize we have an entire host of  other beings who can assist us in our understanding. Holding up a โ€‹flag of truth โ€‹  with Absolute  Certainty is where most of us go astray. We tend to think in Absolutes instead of Probabilities  because uncertainty is the unknown, and as we discussed above, fear of the unknown is an  ever present obstacle in our human experience.

Instead, realize โ€‹you cannot be absolutely certain about anythingโ€‹, and as such, holding  your belief in the sphere of โ€‹possibility โ€‹  allows you to remain open minded and receive new  data without the Ego injuring effects which accompany absolute beliefs; because absolute  beliefs are part of our Ego Identity. This is where our CoยญDependency with our ‘image of self,’  the ego, causes us to need agreement from others even in the face of great conceptual error.  Other’s must ‘Coยญsign’ onto our beliefs so that we do not feel the emotional upheaval from  being ‘wrong.’    Being Conscious of your uncertainty about a thing, which is then shared openly with others,  allows you to not feel ‘wrong’ when being confronted by differing opinion. This skill of  remaining โ€‹Objective โ€‹  will empower you to avoid the Projection of your Bias onto others. โ€‹ If a  belief is only โ€‹possible โ€‹ , instead of โ€‹absolute โ€‹ , it is not part of our Identity and is easily  discarded for a better idea with out causing the โ€‹trauma โ€‹  of feeling like we are ‘wrong.’โ€‹ 

11. The Current Moment Bias

We humans have a really hard time imagining ourselves in the future and altering our  behaviors and expectations accordingly. Most of us would rather experience pleasure in the  current moment, while leaving the pain for later. This is a bias that is of particular concern to  economists (i.e. our unwillingness to not overspend and save money) and health practitioners.  Indeed, a โ€‹1998 study showedโ€‹ that, when making food choices for the coming week, 74% of  participants chose fruit. But when the food choice was for the current day, 70% chose  chocolate.    [Coยญdependency with ‘feeling good’ is a constant struggle in our human experience. Many of  us are โ€‹addicted โ€‹  to our emotions instead of being โ€‹guided โ€‹  by them. Reacting to an emotional  situation leads us to make choices in our present which hinder our progress in the future.   

For example, most of us eat sugary foods in the morning which force the body to release  Insulin to counter the toxic levels in our blood. This in turn, causes the mid morning ‘haze’  where we feel tired and unmotivated, leading us to drink energy drinks and even more sugary  foods to ‘pep up;’ a constant roller coaster of energy and motivation ensues. In contrast, if we  choose to eat fruit in the morning, or nothing at all (fasting till lunch time) our bodies will slowly  release energy over time maintaining a constant energy level through out the day avoiding the  pitfalls of low energy and motivation.     It is easy to see with the above example that our addictions to ‘feeling good in the moment’  cause us all sorts of future hurdles. Therefore, the key to transcending this Bias is to be brave  in the face of your emotional needs, and ask yourself โ€‹what is the best choice long term? 
Eventually, we will begin to realize our needs for โ€‹short term stability โ€‹  cause us โ€‹long term pain โ€‹ ,  and a new ‘path of least resistance’ will emerge.]  

12. Anchoring Effect  

Also known as the relativity trap, this is the tendency we have to compare and contrast only a  limited set of items. It’s called the โ€‹anchoring effectโ€‹ because we tend to fixate on a value or  number that in turn gets compared to everything else. The classic example is an item at the  store that’s on sale; we tend to see (and value) the difference in price, but not the overall price  itself. This is why some restaurant menus feature very expensive entrees, while also including  more (apparently) reasonably priced ones. It’s also why, when given a choice, โ€‹we tend to pick  the middle optionโ€‹ โ€” not too expensive, and not too cheap.

[Similar to Justification Bias and Current Moment Bias, we tend to make choices based off a  limited contextual framework; ‘cherry picking’ our reality to justify our beliefs. For example, if  your friend has stolen from you in the past causing you to get upset, you may justify stealing  from them in turn, even though you know very well how this can feel on the receiving end.     The context of our decision making process is the key to undoing nearly all Biases. When you  find yourself charged to make a choice in favor of a thing, take pause for a moment and  attempt to look at the โ€‹context โ€‹  from which you are viewing this choice. Just because your  friend stole from you in the past, does not mean doing so now will make you feel any better;  not to mention the problems you create for yourself with this person in the future. Instead  attempt to harmonize your past experience with the present moment, and realize not stealing  from your friend will set a new pattern of behavior. The key is to be brave and question your  own justifications as to develop a โ€‹holistic contextual frameworkโ€‹ which takes into account all  possible outcomes and ramifications.]  

โž The Physiological Expression of the Three Aspects of Consciousness ๐Ÿ”‘ https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2022/08/20/the-physiological-expression-of-the-three-aspects-of-consciousness/

โž The Three from the One. ๐Ÿ”‘ https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/01/17/the-three-from-the-one/

โž Only that Path of Balance can lead us out of our collective state of imbalance, the force that creates Chaos and Suffering ๐Ÿ”‘ Traveling the Path of Balance creates Order, Peace, and ultimately, Freedom from suffering.https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2022/08/19/only-that-path-of-balance-can-lead-us-out-of-our-collective-state-of-imbalance-the-force-that-creates-chaos-and-suffering-traveling-the-path-of-balance-creates-order-peace-an/

โž The Pineal Gland and Symbolism of a Unified Consciousness. ๐Ÿง  https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/01/14/the-pineal-gland-and-symbolism-of-a-unified-consciousness/

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11 thoughts on “โž “ALL is Mind” ๐Ÿ”‘ The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational ยญ And how to free yourself from them by Mastering your Mindอพ Self Mastery.

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