➝ The Physiological Expression of the Three Aspects of Consciousness.

Understanding certain basic structures and functionality of the human brain is part of the discovery of self. Many of us do not understand what the components of the brain are, how they work and what they give rise to with respect to qualities of our personality-identity-ego construct. Understanding the human brain is to understand a core aspect of ourselves and is critical for our understanding of what is going on in the world. Our species is gifted simply by possessing a brain of the order and magnitude that we have.

Symbolism operates on many layers, levels and depth. Rigidly applying rules in one direction will prevent us from perceiving greater revelations through the frequencies of color and shape being used. Taking another symbolic look at the components of a Trinity based on the father, mother and child, we can see how the Christian narrative is represented by the hindbrain, limbic and forebrain respectively. The reptile survival hindbrain is the law-obsessed dominator god from the Old Testament. The mammalian emotional brain is the sacred feminine Holy Spirit. The neocortex higher order thinking brain is the Divine savior and Light of the world.

• The Brainstem “Reptile” Hindbrain

The brainstem can be considered the foundation and hence the oldest and lowest part of the brain. The brainstem and cerebellum are responsible for physical activity, motor skills, and the instinct for survival or the fight or flight mechanism. In a dangerous situation, a decision needs to be made between staying and fighting or fleeing to survive. The heart will pump blood towards the areas of the body that require it. Blood will be pumped away from the vital organs of the torso and brain because a fight or flight response of survival to fight or run away requires blood to be sent to the areas of priority which are the extremities. When we are trying to survive we are not going to be thinking about deep higher order conceptual ideas nor do we need to be doing much digestion or other intensive functions of other organs. Our richly oxygenated blood will be sent to our muscles, such as the arms to be yielded as weapons if we have decided to stay and fight, or to the leg muscles for us to be able to flee the situation.

This functionality is effective for fending off an attacker. However, in our modern society we are not in many dangerous situations where we physically need to make a decision to fight of flee, yet this mechanism is activated frequently because we are often engaged in stressful activities. This beneficial survival technique has become a detriment in modern society because we engage and remain in this modality of consciousness for a large portion of the time. Our lifestyle is hectic and busy, from one thing to the next without having much time in between the various activities we occupy our lives with: a job, children, traffic, other people, and other daily activities. Always being busy and having all of your time occupied is also known as stress. This creates a construct whereby responsibilities of adhering to a scheduled way of living traps a person in a survival modality of being with no standard ability to fight or flee from the situation presented. This causes harm to other structures of the brain.

• The Limbic “Mammal” Midbrain

This is the middle-brain that is responsible for the chemical interactions through which we experience our emotions as feelings, and despite emotions not being derived from here, without this “middle chamber” we would not feel emotions. Mammals display physiological reactions of emotional states that reptiles do not show. Reptiles are more instinctual and based in survival and are where we get the term of being a “cold blooded” person.

• The Neocortex “Human” Forebrain

The Neocortex is the most developed part of the brain containing the most neural activity and manages all higher order thinking. The cerebrum is bilaterally symmetrical being divided into the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The left brain is symbolic of the masculine principle and is related to the thought functionality of logic, analysis, science, mathematics, language and the use of words. The right brain relates to the feminine qualities of holistic thought, intuition, creativity, art, music and all other forms of creative expression.

This triune component of the brain is setup as a hierarchy of three different aspects of being into one, and information is processed in a certain way if the functionality between these layers is operating correctly. Proper functionality means the cerebral hemispheres are cooperating together, balanced, unified, harmonious, coherent, consistent, and integrated, as can be demonstrated through EEG coherence where neural and synaptic activity is distributed throughout both hemispheres. The forebrain is the executive command center of the whole brain responsible for our reasoning capabilities to determine how we use our actions in harmony with our thoughts and emotions. Having a balanced neocortex without one side dominating over the other allows a person to become capable of higher-order conceptual thinking and reasonable behavior which is governed through our ability to recognize patterns and derive meaning. The neocortex is the most advanced computer that exists and the most complex substance we know of in the universe and therefore our greatest gift. The feminine midbrain that governs emotions sends data upwards to the masculine reasoning-processing center of the brain, both to the logical-analytical masculine left-brain and creative-intuitive feminine right-brain, which then sends signals down to the motor centers of the brain complex referred to as the reptile brain in order for our actions and behavior to be based on higher order reasoning and not automated responses based on instinct and survival.

Failure to understand how we function, as a component of who we are, places us in a position where we are susceptible to manipulation and mind control. Understanding the basic functionality of the brain brings us closer to becoming a being that governs ourselves and less subject to the influence of those attempting to commandeer our mind and behavior.

➝ SCHISM OF THE MIND. 🧠 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/04/21/schism-of-the-mind/

➝ The Pineal Gland and Symbolism of a Unified Consciousness. 🧠 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/01/14/the-pineal-gland-and-symbolism-of-a-unified-consciousness/

➝ Only that Path of Balance can lead us out of our collective state of imbalance, the force that creates Chaos and Suffering 🔑 Traveling the Path of Balance creates Order, Peace, and ultimately, Freedom from suffering.: https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2022/08/19/only-that-path-of-balance-can-lead-us-out-of-our-collective-state-of-imbalance-the-force-that-creates-chaos-and-suffering-traveling-the-path-of-balance-creates-order-peace-an/

➝ Consciousness and Mind Control. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/15/consciousness-and-mind-control/

➝ The Importance of Understanding Consciousness. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/16/the-importance-of-understanding-consciousness/

➝ “ALL is Mind” 🔑 The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational ­ And how to free yourself from them by Mastering your Mind; Self Mastery. https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/01/05/all-is-mind-the-12-cognitive-biases-that-prevent-you-from-being-rational-and-how-to-free-yourself-from-them-by-mastering-your-mind-self-mastery/

➝ Our Minds Are Powerful, and We Can Delude Ourselves About What We Are Actually Participating In. https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/03/14/our-minds-are-powerful-and-we-can-delude-ourselves-about-what-we-are-actually-participating-in/

➝ The Checkerboard Floor: Walk in the Path and Way of Good or Evil. 🧭 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/01/05/the-checkerboard-floor-walk-in-the-path-and-way-of-good-or-evil/

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