โž Consciousness and Mind Control. ๐Ÿ”‘

A manipulator can dangle an appealing and comforting lie in front of us as bait and we will buy into it, hook, line and sinker! But we must honestly ask ourselves some questions. Is it all their fault? Do we have any responsibility? Is it just simply that we are living according to their lies? Or did we buy what they were selling willingly? People do not want the responsibility for everything that goes with living in existence, we are so demanding for someone else to take responsibility, think, and solve our problems for us. We abdicate our personal responsibility for many things, and most importantly of all is our personal responsibility to understand the truth. We were sold the deception, but it was something many of us wanted to buy.

Consciousness can be raised or manipulated through knowledge. Manipulation of consciousness is mind control. When someone does not understand how mind control functions, they are ignorant of it, and therefore do not have the tools to prevent themselves from actively being manipulated. Ignorance of something disempowers and makes you a tool to it: deceived, manipulated, fooled, tricked, duped, conned, scammed, screwed, bamboozled, hoodwinked, and under its thumb. Knowledge about something prevents you from buying into lies and empowers you to make the right choices, decisions and actions. Living in harmony and alignment with the truth is not what is occurring when we are being manipulated and controlled. We must learn the methodologies of mind control in order to not be deceived as we currently are.

Most of the methodologies of mind control are in operation all around us and they are implemented on a mass scale, hence they are mass mind control as opposed to a Hollywood-induced conception like a Manchurian candidate brainwashing. Mass mind control programs fundamental axioms into people which are the core belief systems that people take into themselves as true and then live their lives, behave and act in accordance with. Understanding language and the words we use is the biggest part of mind control. Neurolinguistic programming makes use of language through specific word choice and speech patterns to embed ideas into peopleโ€™s consciousness so that they behave according to predetermined outcomes. Symbolism is an archetypal language that most of us are vulnerable to being manipulated by at a subconscious level because we do not understand the building blocks and syntax of this particular language. Archetypal language is based on the use of frequencies of sound, color, shapes and forms, and can be used to influence our thoughts and subvert our consciousness. Mind control is consciousness control through the manipulation of the three experiential forms of consciousness.

โž Methods of Manipulation โ€” Different Methodologies of Mind Control. โฐ https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/methods-of-manipulation-different-methodologies-of-mind-control/

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